
HMS Vietnam , HMS Anybus, HMS Ewon, HMS IXXAT, HMS Intesis, HMS Anybus Gateway, HMS Anybus Wireless , HMS Vietnam, Anybus Vietnam, Wireless HMS, HMS IXXAT Automotive,IXXAT Embedded Control HW,IXXAT Embedded Control SW,IXXAT Energy,IXXAT Safety Solutions,  HMS Vietnam, IXXAT Vietnam, HMS IXXAT Vietnam, HMS Gateway , IXXAT Gateways, Cổng giao thức HMS IXXAT SG, HMS CAN Repeaters, CANBridges & Gateways HMS, HMS Vietnam , Cổng giao thức CAN, Cổng giao thức CANbridge, HMS CANopen, HMS CANopen PLC Extensions, HMS IXXAT FRC-EP170 Bundle , IXXAT FRC-EP170 Bundle , HMS FRC-EP170 Bundle , HMS software , HMS IXXAT Econ, HMS IXXAT I/O Devices, HMS IXXAT Inpact, HMS IXXAT J1939 Software, IXXAT Protocol Drivers, HMS IXXAT Safety, HMS IXXAT Tools, HMS PC/CAN Interfaces, HMS SG Gateway, HMS Anybus Communic.CAN 5pack, HMS Anybus Communicator, HMS Anybus Switches & Routers, HMS Anybus Wireless Bolt, HMS Linking Devices, HMS Gateways , HMS X-gateway, HMS Anybus Gateway, HMS Anybus Wireless , HMS Vietnam, Anybus Vietnam, Wireless HMS, eWON Cosy 141 , HMS Vietnam, ewon HMS Vietnam, ewon Vietnm, router ewon HMS, Industrial Internet Router ewon HMS, Router Công nghiệp HMS ewon , Bộ định tuyến công nghiệp ewon HMS , Cầu dẫn ewon HMS, eWON Base Modules,  HMS Vietnam, Ewon Vietnam, HMS ewon, Router HMS , Ewon router , Module HMS , eWon Modules, Netbiter Argos Services , Ewon Cloud , Điên toán đám mấy ewon hms , HMS Netbiter, Phần mềm dịch vụ HMS, Ewon, eFIVE 25 VPN server appliances for eWON extranets , ewon Efive , HMS Ewon Vietnam. HMS Vietnam, Ewon Vietnam, HMS efive, Netbiter Communication Gateways HMS , HMS Ewon . HMS Vietnam, Ewon Vietnam , Netbiter ewon , eWON Cosy

Order number

1.01.0332.10000 CAN@net NT 100 - 1 CAN channel* (New product, available end of April)
1.01.0332.20000 CAN@net NT 200 - 2 CAN channels*
1.01.0332.42000 CAN@net NT 420 - 4 CAN channels (2 switchable to CAN FD)*